TICO provides educational opportunities to assist TICO registrants and their travel agents, as well as potential entrants to the travel industry in Ontario, to understand the requirements under the Travel Industry Act, 2002 and Ontario Regulation 26/05. The following workshops and webinars are available:

Selling Travel Services Webinar 

This webinar is designed for potential entrants into the travel industry in Ontario.

TICO's Compliance Department welcomes you to an informative and interactive session on selling travel services in Ontario. This session will provide you with an overview of the legislated registration requirements including actions deemed as selling travel services in Ontario.

Sessions will be held regularly and one-on-one sessions can also be requested.

Upcoming sessions:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025             11:30 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, April 22, 2025                11:30 am - 12 pm   
Tuesday, May 20, 2025                11:30 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, June 24, 2025                11:30 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, July 29, 2025                  11:30 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, August 26, 2025            11:30 am - 12 pm

Click here to register. Please use the drop-down feature to select your preferred date.  

Disclosure and Invoicing 

Join TICO's Compliance Department for an informative and interactive presentation on Disclosure & Invoicing. This session will provide participants with a refresher on the importance of providing proper disclosure at the time of booking.  We will also review invoicing requirements while discussing the benefits of providing customers with a proper invoice. 

Upcoming sessions:

Tuesday, April 8, 2025                11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, May, 13 2025               11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, July 22, 2025                11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, September 2, 2025      11 am - 12 pm

Click here to register. Please use the drop-down feature to select your preferred date.


Advertising Webinar 

This informative webinar will review the advertising rules and regulations, including where they apply and how they apply to various forms of representations, such as print, digital and social media. The session will provide useful tools for future reference, and give those attending an opportunity to ask questions.  

The webinar is free of charge and all the necessary materials will be provided as part of the webinar.

Upcoming sessions:

Tuesday, March 25, 2025               11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, April 29, 2025                  11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, June 3, 2025                    11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, July 8, 2025                      11 am - 12 pm
Tuesday, August 12, 2025              11 am - 12 pm

Click here to register. Please use the drop-down feature to select your preferred date.


Financial Compliance Webinars 

Preparing the Verification Statement Webinar

This webinar is an in-depth review of how to prepare the Verification Statement, along with other current legislated requirements. The webinar is useful for registrants and their accountants and/or bookkeepers.    

New dates will be added soon.


Trust Accounting Webinar

This webinar is an in-depth review of trust accounting requirements. It covers topics under the legislation that registrants must follow. Owners, managers and individuals responsible for financial compliance under the Travel Industry Act and the Regulation would receive the most benefit from attendance.

New dates will be added soon.