How to Make Changes to TICO Registration Information

When a TICO Registrant has changes to its registration information, all Registrants are required to notify the Registrar at least 5 days before any of the following events by completing a Notice of Business Change Form:

  • Change of address to the office or branch office.
  • Change of the person named as the Supervisor/Manager on the TICO Registration for the office or branch office.
  • Change in the name or number of a bank account including a change in financial institution in which an account is required to be maintained.
  • Change or addition of trade names and URL (Website) address(es)

TICO Registrants are required to notify the Registrar at least 5 days after the following event and complete a Notice of Business Change Form:

  • Change in the Directors of a Registrant that is a Corporation.

Change of Shareholder(s)

A Registrant must advise the Registrar within 5 days if there is a change of shareholders. If the shareholder change is an individual, a Notice of Business Change Form must be completed along with a copy of the shareholder resolution. If the new shareholder is a corporation, a Corporate Shareholder Information Form is required.  

Note: If the shareholder change is a change in control of the business (ex. majority shareholder), TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

Change of Ownership

If there is a change of ownership or if the registrant is a corporation and there is a majority change of ownership, it is considered to be a change in control. TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

** Please note that the old owner(s) are still liable to the company until such time as the new owners(s) are approved by TICO.

Add or Change of Officer(s) and Director(s)

A Registrant must notify the Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and complete a Form 1. The Government Form will require the updated information for the new Officers Directors to be provided. A Registrant must then complete a TICO Notice of Business Form and provide a copy of the completed Government Form.

Note: If the registrant is a corporation and the change in Officer(s) and Director(s) results in the change of a majority shareholder, it is considered to be a change in control.  TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

TICO Registration is Not Transferable

Should a Registrant sell the assets of the company, the TICO registration is not transferable to the purchasers. The purchaser must complete a TICO registration Form and meet the registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration.

Notice of Ceasing Operations / Ceasing to Sell Travel Services  

A registrant that knows that it will cease to sell travel services at least 10 days before doing so shall provide written notice to the registrar as soon as practicable, but in no event less than 10 days before ceasing to sell travel services.

Change of Fiscal Year End

A Registrant must advise the Registrar of a change to their fiscal year end and complete a Notice of Business Change Form which must be accompanied by a letter from Revenue Canada approving the year end change.


If you have questions, please contact TICO at 1-888-451-8426 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our registration department is here to assist you with any questions.