September 25, 2024 – The Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on September 24, 2024 to share the organization’s accomplishments from the previous fiscal year.

A key theme at the AGM was the transformation that is underway both within the travel industry and at TICO: “As we reflect on the past year, it’s clear that the travel industry is not only recovering but evolving,” said TICO CEO Richard Smart. “Our role is to ensure that there continues to be a fair and safe marketplace where Ontario businesses can thrive, and consumers can feel protected and have peace-of-mind in their travel purchases.”

Key updates at the AGM included:

  • Remarks from the Honourable Todd McCarthy, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement (Ministry), who observed the sector’s resilience and perseverance following the challenges resulting from the pandemic. Minister McCarthy commented on the importance of consumer protection in an evolving travel marketplace.

  • An update about TICO’s implementation of the recommendations in the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario’s value-for-money audit report published in December 2023. To date, TICO has addressed 21% of the action items under its control, with remaining recommendations progressing on schedule. The recommendation to review the Travel Industry Act, 2002 and TICO’s mandate is under consideration by the Ministry.

  • The meeting also underscored the ongoing recovery of the travel sector, with strong year-over-year growth and aggregate Ontario Gross Sales reaching pre-pandemic levels. TICO will continue to monitor consumer confidence related to future travel spending and the impact on industry.

The AGM was also an opportunity to welcome two new Directors to the TICO Board, further strengthening the organization’s commitment to balanced representation:

  • Gregory Luciani, CEO, TravelOnly Inc. – industry elected Director for a three-year term; and
  • Jeffrey Steiner, Chair, Canada-Saudi Business Council – public elected Director for a three-year term.

TICO acknowledges the commitment and impact of two outgoing Directors:

  • Doug Ellison, President, Ellison Travel and Tours
  • Archana Gupta-Harit, Partner, Haritage Consultants

Following TICO’s AGM, the Board of Directors named Robert Townshend as the Vice-Chair of the Board. The Vice-Chair appointment is for one year. 

“On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our outgoing Directors for their lasting contributions towards TICO’s consumer protection mandate,” said TICO Chair Michael Levinson. “I would also like to recognize all the candidates who put their names forward for election. Your willingness to serve and contribute your expertise reflects a deep commitment to Ontario’s travel marketplace.”

A recording of the AGM will be made available to all registrants next week.

For more information about TICO’s activities, please view the Annual Report for fiscal year 2023-2024 and the Business Plan for 2024-2027.

About TICO
Formed in 1997, the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) regulates Ontario’s approximately 1,925 travel agencies, booking websites and tour operators. TICO administers the Travel Industry Act, 2002 on behalf of the Ontario government. As a consumer protection organization, TICO facilitates a consumer complaints process and administers the Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund. By booking travel with a TICO-registered business, consumers have access to added protection. To verify if a company is registered with TICO, and for helpful information and resources, visit


Media contact
Kristina Wilson
Stakeholder Relations Manager
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