Advisory: Survey Summary - Ongoing Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behaviour
Richard Smart, President & CEO, commented on the importance of using data to understand the needs of all consumers as travel begins to gain momentum. “While the current travel environment is facing significant obstacles, we know that consumers are anxious to travel again, and soon. We are encouraged by the data and look forward to an improving travel environment later this year.” As we begin planning for the difficult road to travel recovery, TICO enlisted the expertise of PMG Intelligence, a local and experienced market research and data science agency to conduct a survey of Canadian travellers to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on travel consumers. This comprehensive survey sought to gain valuable insight into the sentiments and behaviours of consumers, including their risk tolerance and desire for future travel. These insights will enable us to effectively tailor our communication strategies for conveying the travel information consumers desire and need to know in order to be confident with their future travel purchases from Ontario retailers. By sharing this data with registrants we hope to assist you with key insights that you may leverage as you re-engage We welcome any questions or thoughts you may have and hope you find value in these important consumer insights. Click here to access the Survey Summary - Ongoing Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behaviour While there is a lot of data to digest, look for the lightbulb symbol that indicates a key takeaway from the survey. |