How Does TICO Help Consumers?
You may know to look for the TICO logo when you book travel, but do you know what the logo represents? It’s all about consumer protection.

TICO’s Online Directory

Any travel agency or website operating from Ontario, meaning they have a physical presence here, must be registered with TICO and follow laws that protect consumers.
TICO offers a free online directory of all TICO-registered travel agencies, websites and tour operators. Click here to confirm that the company you are booking with is registered.
Consumer Complaints
While most travel experiences are positive, TICO is here in case you run into difficulties.
TICO accepts complaints from consumers against TICO-registered travel agencies, websites and tour operators. TICO’s role is to facilitate the flow of information between the consumer and the travel company to assist in resolving a dispute.
Types of complaints TICO can help with:
- I was not advised at the time of booking of any fees or penalties for making changes or cancellations.
- My hotel did not supply all the amenities that were advertised by the tour operator in their brochure or on their website when I booked.
- I was denied boarding for my flight or cruise because I was not advised by my travel agent of the proper travel documentation.
- My hotel or cruise ship was changed without notice.
- My flight departure time was delayed or advanced by more than 24 hours.
- I booked travel and there was a price increase after the fact.
- My travel agent did not advise me of the documentation needed for my travel.
- My travel agent did not advise me of the availability of trip cancellation or out-of-province health insurance.
Travel Industry Compensation Fund
In Ontario, there is a Travel Industry Compensation Fund that helps consumers who are impacted by the failure of an Ontario travel agency or website, Ontario tour operator or any airline or cruise line.
How can consumers protect themselves?
To receive the protection of the Compensation Fund, travel must be purchased from a TICO-registered travel agency or website. By purchasing from a TICO-registered travel agency or website, you are automatically covered.
What does the Compensation Fund cover?
The Compensation Fund covers up to $5,000 per passenger for travel services that were not received because of the failure of an Ontario travel agency or website, Ontario tour operator or any airline or cruise line. There are certain caps on how much can be paid out for the entire failure.
What if passengers are stranded in destination?
If the failure is due to an Ontario travel agency, website or tour operator, and passengers are stranded in destination, TICO will work to bring passengers home.
Don’t give up your consumer protection
As Ontarians, we are fortunate to live in one of three provinces, including Quebec and British Columbia, that offers consumer protection for travel services.
Book with a TICO Registered Travel Agency
To verify if a travel agency or website is TICO registered, check our online directory.
Take the TICO Traveller Quiz to see what type of traveller you are.
Sign up to receive quarterly travel consumer protection email updates.
For more travel tips and information, visit the Smart Traveller Guide.
All travel agencies and websites located and operating in Ontario are regulated by TICO. Registered travel agencies and websites provide additional consumer protection for your travel investment that may not be available when booking with travel agencies and websites based in other countries or provinces. For more information about how TICO helps, click here.
Any questions can be directed to or 1-888-451-TICO (8426).