When reviewing the results below, please be sure to check the status column. Only businesses with an ‘Active’ status are currently registered with TICO.

If the business name you are searching does not appear, it may mean that it is located outside of Ontario, or it may be operating illegally as an unregistered business. In both instances, you would not be covered under TICO’s consumer protection. Please contact TICO if you are concerned that you are dealing with an Ontario business that is operating illegally.

If you searched for a business name, and the results don’t display the name you entered, try the following steps:

  1. Click the ‘View Details’ button next to the results generated.
  2. Toggle to the ‘Expand Other Trade Names’ tab to check for the business name. Some businesses operate under multiple names, and only the main business name appears on the results screen, while the other trade names are listed in this additional tab.

If the business name still doesn’t appear, please contact TICO for assistance.

Status Definitions

Active: Currently registered with TICO and eligible to sell travel services. Please click the ‘view details’ button for additional information, including any compliance activities.

Expired: The business is NOT eligible to sell travel services, as their registration is no longer active.

Temporarily suspended: The business is NOT eligible to sell travel services, as TICO has suspended their registration.

Revoked: The business is NOT eligible to sell travel services, as TICO revoked their registration.

Non registrant: This business or individual has been charged and/or convicted with selling travel without TICO registration.

If the business you have searched for has a status other than ‘Active’ and is selling travel, please contact TICO.

TICO Agency Search Results

The number of search results are: 0

The company you are searching for may not be registered with TICO.

Please contact TICO at 1-888-451-TICO or email tico@tico.ca to verify whether the travel company you are searching for is registered with TICO.