How to Make Changes to TICO Registration Information

When a TICO Registrant has changes to its registration information, all Registrants are required to notify the Registrar at least 5 days before any of the following events by completing a Notice of Business Change Form:

TICO Registrants are required to notify the Registrar at least 5 days after the following event and complete a Notice of Business Change Form:

Change of Shareholder(s)

A Registrant must advise the Registrar within 5 days if there is a change of shareholders. If the shareholder change is an individual, a Notice of Business Change Form must be completed along with a copy of the shareholder resolution. If the new shareholder is a corporation, a Corporate Shareholder Information Form is required.  

Note: If the shareholder change is a change in control of the business (ex. majority shareholder), TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

Change of Ownership

If there is a change of ownership or if the registrant is a corporation and there is a majority change of ownership, it is considered to be a change in control. TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

** Please note that the old owner(s) are still liable to the company until such time as the new owners(s) are approved by TICO.

Add or Change of Officer(s) and Director(s)

A Registrant must notify the Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and complete a Form 1. The Government Form will require the updated information for the new Officers Directors to be provided. A Registrant must then complete a TICO Notice of Business Form and provide a copy of the completed Government Form.

Note: If the registrant is a corporation and the change in Officer(s) and Director(s) results in the change of a majority shareholder, it is considered to be a change in control.  TICO registration is not transferable. The registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration must be met and an application for a new TICO registration is required.

Change of Fiscal Year End

A Registrant must advise the Registrar of a change to their fiscal year end and complete a Notice of Business Change Form which must be accompanied by a letter from Revenue Canada approving the year end change.

TICO Registration is Not Transferable

Should a Registrant sell the assets of the company, the TICO registration is not transferable to the purchasers. The purchaser must complete a TICO registration Form and meet the registration requirements to establish a new TICO registration.

If you have questions, please contact TICO at 1-888-451-8426 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our registration department is here to assist you with any questions.